Heiko Geritzmann

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"Heiko brings a sensitive and loving energy to his work. I've been privileged to experience this both as a client in his work with Somatic Experiencing and as a co-facilitator on workshops. Heiko is a man who goes the extra mile to ensure that his clients' needs are met, and his level of attunement with clients and workshop participants is extraordinary. As a workshop leader and facilitator he brings a depth of calm maturity and wisdom which ensures participants feel safe and well-held, giving them the opportunity to explore their feelings, try new ways of being, and develop their emotional experience."
Rod B

"Heiko was very supportive and held me in a grounding and sensitive way without judgement. He has a warm, open and uplifting nature which made me feel at ease. Body awareness was central to our sessions, bringing attention to the sensations in my body. I can now identify the subtle signs that my nervous system has been activated. During the sessions I became aware of my dissociation. It is something I have never really been aware of before so to identify the different signs of my dissociation has been really beneficial. Heiko was able to support me to stay in my body, in the room and be with the sensations and emotions that accompany this. I enjoyed how Heiko encouraged creativity to discover grounding visualisations to calm my nervous system."
Lesley S.

"I felt very safe in my sessions with Heiko. No matter how lost or chaotic my state was he always facilitated a space for me to be guided back to a state of calm and confidence. I always felt his unshakable presence during the whole session which really helped me access different parts of myself. I feel I learned a lot during our sessions and I still feel the benefit. The experience of going from feeling so hopeless and helpless to so resourced and stable when nothing external changed at all, has effected me a lot. I´ve learned about my own power to face any experience and how to access my inner knowing and resilience."
Abi M.